Medicinal benefits of Sheesham tree you must know about

Sheesham Tree

Sheesham is a self-grown plant and found all over India. It looks like a simpler tree, but has numerous uses and health properties.

Property of sheesham

Sheesham is bitter, pungent and astringent in nature.
The plant is intrinsically warm and cures swelling and oedema.
It has also the potential to cause miscarriage.

Chemical content 

LEAVES: Isoflavone-O-glycoside FLOWERS: Biochenin A, tectorigenin, 7, 4 dimethyle tectorigenin and 7-O- methyle tectorigenin GREEN PODS: Mesoinisitol, 7-O- methyle tectorigenin and 4’-rhamnoglucoside MATURE PODS: Isocaviumin, tectorigenin, dalbergin, caviunin and tannins STEM BARK: Dalberginone, dalbergin, methyl dalbergin and dalbergichromene HEARTWOOD: Dalbergin, nordalberginones, dalbergichromene, fixid oil and essential oils.

sheesham leave 

Medicinal Benefits of sheesham tree

1. Aids in Dermatoses-

Mix the mucilage of its leaves in sweet oil.
Apply this mixture on the bruised damages skin.
Or, give 50-100 ml decoction of its leaves to the patient, twice a day.
It cures boils and ulcers effectively.

2. Helpful cure in Sciatica-

Take 10 kg powder of its thick bark, and boil it in 23.5 litre water.
Boil until the water is reduced to 1.8th.
Strain the solution through a cloth and cook it again, till gets thick.
Give 10 gm of this thick liquid with ghee mixed milk, thrice a day.
Continue the dosage for 21 days. It cures the disorder completely.

3. Good in fever-

In any kind of fever, take 20 gm of its extract in 320 ml water and 160 ml milk.
Boil the solution, until only milk is left.
Give this to the patient thrice a day.

4. Heals Ulcers–

Apply the oil of Sheesham on the affected area.
It helps cure itching, burning sensation and also heals ulcers.

5. Normalizes over bleeding in Menstrual cycle-

Take 8-10 sheesham leaves and grind them with 25 gm sugar.
Give this to the patient twice a day.
Within a few days, it normalizes the bleeding.
In addition it is also good for leucorrhoea and urinary disorders in males.
In winters, along with this 4-5 black peppers must also be given to the patient.
Diabetics can use this without adding sugar.

6.Sexual impotency in men

The paste of 5 grams of tender leaves of Shisham is taken with a cup of milk for 15-30 days.

7.Piles (Bawaseer in Hindi)
The leaves of Sisam should be chewed twice a day for 2 weeks.

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